
This is an example project on how to use multi resolution for your games using Cocos (works with Android and iOS)

Primary LanguageJava


I explained breifly about how to add multi resolution in your Cocos project here: http://discuss.cocos2d-x.org/t/multi-resolution-support-for-cocos-studio-2-problem-solved-d/21543

There are two places where you need to change your code and that's in the AppDelegate.cpp and your scene.cpp files.

In scene.cpp in scene::init() load the scene using this code:

// loads scene file from Cocos Studio and resizes the assets
    auto rootNode = CSLoader :: createNode ("MainScene.csb");
    auto size = Director :: getInstance () -> getVisibleSize ();
    rootNode-> setContentSize (size);
    ui :: Helper :: doLayout (rootNode);
    addChild (rootNode);

This aligns and resizes the assets relative to the the device size. I recommend you mainly use this for all the scenes you make in your game.

In the AppDelegate.ccp replace this code:

        glview = GLViewImpl::createWithRect("CocosProject", Rect(0, 0, 640, 960));
    director->getOpenGLView()->setDesignResolutionSize( 640, 960, ResolutionPolicy::NO_BORDER );

With this code:

auto glview = director->getOpenGLView();
    // set design resolution to same resolution as what you published it in Cocos Studio and use FIXED_WIDTH for landscape & FIXED_HEIGHT for portrait
    glview->setDesignResolutionSize(960,640, ResolutionPolicy::FIXED_WIDTH);

When you set the x and y values make sure their the same as the design resolution you published in your Cocos Studio project.

Android Devices

Whenever you make a new scene file you have to add it in the Android.mk located in ProjectName/proj.android/jni/Android.mk

If your game is portrait and in the wrong orientation on your android device it might be that the orientation is set to "landscape" in the AndroidManifest.xml. Just change this line android:screenOrientation="landscape" and you're good. It's located in ProjectName/proj.android/AndroidManifest.xml