A tutorial that aims to provide a detailed explanation of how to create your very own cutom discord bot in Python, using the discord.py client library.
This tutorial will walk you through all the aspects of creating your own bot, from creating the bot user itself on the developer portal, to a brief overview of the Discord gateway and API, to coding the bot itself. All will be covered in depth in this tutorial.
Preamble over, you can start learning now in Part 1 - Creating a Bot User, do please note however that this is not a beginner Python tutorial. As such, a fair understanding of the Python language and its features is assumed in this tutorial, along with a base knowledge of Discord, such as what servers and channels are, how to join them, the basics really. Also, you'll likely find during development of bots that the discord.py documentation is of great assistance to you when you want to understand how to do something.
- Part 1 - Creating a Bot User
- Part 2 - An Overview of Discord
- Part 3 - Hello, World!
- Part 4 - A Ping Command
- Part 5 - Cogs
- Part 6 - Online!
- Part 7 - Welcome
- Part 8 - A Better Ping Command
If you find an issue in this tutorial please create an issue on the repo so that I can rectify it.