
A plugin that adds a leveling system to your server. Users start at level 1, and gain experience through doing tasks such as escaping as a classd or scientist, winning the round, killing an SCP, etc.


EXILED must be installed.

Place the PlayerXP.dll file in your Exiled/Plugins folder.


  • Grants xp to players for completing game tasks.
  • Scale factor for all xp values.
  • All xp rates are configurable, as well as all messages displayed to users for gaining xp.
  • Players will be given small configurable messages on their screen to notify them when they gain xp, as well as level up.
  • Fully configurable karma system.
    • Players will gain karma for doing good deeds
    • Players will lost karma for doing bad deeds such as killing unarmed Class-D or Scientists.
    • Karma is an xp multiplier, all players start with a karma of 1.00
    • Players with karma below a certain amount can be denied the ability to play SCP.
    • This system can be toggled on and off.
  • Commands that can be run through RA console or client console by using the prefix . to check the level, xp, and server ranking of a user, as well as the server leaderboard.
  • Commands to calculate a server leaderboard based off a configurable size and check a player's level.
  • Levels get increasingly harder to achieve, the amount in which is takes to achieve the next level can be modified.
  • When a player is killed, the victim gets a message displaying the killers level.
  • All data transfer between servers.


Developers can access and modify data about each player through the API. After referencing this assembly, add the namespace PlayerXP.API to your file. You will then be able to access several useful methods to retrieve and modify data through the PXP class.


Commands that can be run from both RA console and player console. These commands must use the prefix . if they are being run through the player console.

Command Value Type Description
LVL / LEVEL PLAYER NAME / STEAMID64 Displays a user's level and xp. Will also display their server ranking. Not specifying a name will default to yourself.
LB / LEADERBOARD SIZE Displays the top users in the server. If no size is specified it will output the top 5. Maximum leaderboard size is 15.

Commands that can only be run through RA console.

Command Description
XPTOGGLE Toggles XP gaining/saving.
XPSAVE Forces a file save from the current round cache.