
System with backup tools. Started via own cron jobs.

Primary LanguageShell

Docker backup tools

System with backup tools. The backups are then started via own cron jobs.

Docker: cyb10101/backup-tools

See: docker-compose.yaml

Entry points

The entry points are executed the first time the container is started. Technically, they can contain anything.

Backup: Default script

I recommend to use this as default script. It's the entry point for a backup through the cron job.

See files:

File website_www.sh:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
source /opt/docker/bin/functions.sh


cronLog 'Starting...'

# Your backup script

cronLog 'Finished.'

Backup: Database

A complete backup (website_www.sql) is always created and copies are made (website_www.sql.1, ..., website_www.sql.n).

The last backup is deleted every time you run it. With rotateFileOrFolder "file" 'maxBackups' you can specify the maximum backups.

Backup script example for file website_www.sh:

rotateFileOrFolder "/root/backup/databases/${databaseName}.sql" '15'

# Database-Host, Database-Username, Database-Password, Database-Table, SQL-Filename
backupDatabase 'host' 'username' 'password' "${databaseName}" "${databaseName}"
backupDatabase 'host' 'username' 'password' "${databaseName}" "other-website_www"

# Deprecated without filname (not recommended)
backupDatabase 'host' 'username' 'password' "${databaseName}"

Backup: Filesystem with rdiff-backup

The more ideal variant, because a backup always has a timestamp. However, the server must also have the software rdiff-backup installed.

sudo apt-get install rdiff-backup

Backup script example for file website_www.sh:

# Backup filesystem with rdiff-backup
  --exclude ${PRODUCTION_ROOT}/.git
  --exclude ${PRODUCTION_ROOT}/public/tmp
backupFilesystemRdiffBackup "${SSH_CONNECTION}::${PRODUCTION_ROOT}" "${BACKUP_ROOT}"

Backup: Filesystem with hard links

The fallback strategy if rdiff-backup is not available.

A complete backup (website_www) is always created and hard link copies are made (website_www.1, ..., website_www.n).

The last backup is deleted every time you run it. With rotateFileOrFolder "folder" 'maxBackups' you can specify the maximum backups.

Backup script example for file website_www.sh:

# Backup filesystem with hard links
rotateFileOrFolder "${BACKUP_ROOT}" '3'
backupFilesystemHardLinks "${SSH_CONNECTION}:${PRODUCTION_ROOT}" "${BACKUP_ROOT}"