
Containers i use for pentesting

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A collection of Docker files for Containers i use for penetration testing.


Nginx as http(s) server to serve payloads and more. Generates a selfsigned certificate with openssl at startup and provides tls for better opsec.

Based on offcial nginx docker image

Build it with docker build -t org/nginxserve .

To run, i use a alias that i added to my shell

alias nginxhere='docker run --rm -it -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -v "${PWD}:/srv/data" org/nginxserve'


Webdav through wsgidav served as a docker container. The server serves anonymously on port 80 from /srv/data. Uses alpine:python as base image.

Build it with docker build -t org/nginxswebdav .

To run, i use the alias:

alias webdavhere='docker run --rm -it -p 80:80 -v "${PWD}:/srv/data/share" org/webdav'

From Windows, I can browse to the WebDav share by a UNC path: \\192.168.X.X@80\share


Impacket as a container on python:alpine base image. The repository includes latest impacket from github as submodule so submodules need to be pulled with this repository to build the container.

Build it with docker build -t org/impacket .

With the following alias and bashfunction it can be used:

alias impacket="docker run --rm -it org/impacket"

This alias allows usage bey e.g. executing impacket wmiexec.py or any other script from the examples of impacket.

If inbound traffic for impacket is needed e.g. for a smb server, ports need to be forwarded. In smb case -p 445:445 and additionaly, a volume mount to keep files persistent is needed.

This bash function mounts the current folder to the container at /tmp/serve and serves it via smb when smbhere is executed.

smbhere() {
    local sharename
    [[ -z $1 ]] && sharename="SHARE" || sharename=$1
    docker run --rm -it -p 445:445 -v "${PWD}:/tmp/serve" org/impacket smbserver.py -smb2support $sharename /tmp/serve


A simple JavaScript server that echos any HTTP request it receives it to stdout. This is really useful when testing for SSRF or needing to see if a blind command injection is working with curl. The alias for it is:

alias reqdump='docker run --rm -it -p 80:3000 org/reqdump

This starts a local listener on 80 (although it’s entirely customizable). If it receives any HTTP request it prints it out


Add Containers

  • [] Default Linux Distos
  • [] Metasploit
  • [] Sliver C2