
Docker image for a php-fpm container crafted to run Laravel based applications.

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PHP-FPM Docker image for Laravel

Docker image for a php-fpm container crafted to run Laravel based applications.


  • PHP 8.3 / 8.2 / 8.1 / 8.0 / 7.4 / 7.3 / 7.2 / 7.1 / 7.0 / 5.6 / 5.4
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • SOAP PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension
  • PCNTL PHP Extension
  • ZIP PHP Extension
  • GD PHP Extension
  • BCMath PHP Extension
  • GMP PHP Extension
  • Intl PHP Extension
  • Imagick PHP Extension
  • Memcached
  • Composer
  • Laravel Cron Job for the task scheduling setup
  • PHP ini values for Laravel (see laravel.ini)
  • xDebug (PHPStorm friendly, see xdebug.ini)
  • t alias created to run unit tests vendor/bin/phpunit with docker-compose exec [service_name] t
  • d alias created to run Laravel Dusk browser tests artisan dusk with docker-compose exec [service_name] d
  • art alias created to run the Laravel artisan command
  • fresh alias created to migrate the database fresh and seed the seeders artisan migrate:fresh --seed

Tags available:

When calling the image you want to use within your docker-compose.yml file, you can specify a tag for the image. Tags are used for various versions of a given Docker image.

Note: the master branch is not used for generating images, used for documentation instead. Only tags/branches are.

docker-compose usage:

version: '2'
        image: cyberduck/php-fpm-laravel(:<version-tag>)
            - ./:/var/www/
            - ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh # can be useful for composer if you use private CVS
            - my_net #if you're using networks between containers

Xdebug usage:

All images > PHP 8.1 are configured to support xDebug 3.

The image comes with Xdebug installed but by default it is disabled. Xdebug can be enabled using an environmental variable. This can either be done using the .env file, passing the envs using docker or passing the envs using docker-compose.

Using .env file

Add the following to the env file and then start/restart the container.

PHP_IDE_CONFIG="serverName=phpstorm-server" # This is required for PhpStorm only for path mappings
REMOTE_HOST="<HOST_IP>" # If not set the default is 'host.docker.internal' which will work on OSX and windows

Using docker

Pass the required variables with the run command using the -e option.

docker run -d \
    -e XDEBUG=true \
    -e PHP_IDE_CONFIG="serverName=phpstorm-server" \ #This is required for PhpStorm only for path mappings
    -e REMOTE_HOST="<HOSTIP>" \ # If not set the default is 'host.docker.internal' which will work on OSX and windows
    -v /root/of/project:/var/www \ 
    -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh \

Using docker-compose

Pass the variables in the environment section of the service using this image.

version: '2'
        image: cyberduck/php-fpm-laravel(:<version-tag>)
            XDEBUG: true
            PHP_IDE_CONFIG: "serverName=phpstorm-server" #This is required for PhpStorm only for path mappings
            REMOTE_HOST: "<HOSTIP>" # If not set the default is 'host.docker.internal' which will work on OSX and windows
            - ./:/var/www/
            - ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh # can be useful for composer if you use private CVS
            - my_net #if you're using networks between containers

PhpStorm configuration

For xdebug to work with PhpStorm you will need to create a server. This can be done by going to Preferences > Languages & Frameworks > PHP > Servers and then follow the steps below.

1, Click the + symbol.

2, Create a name for the server. This will be the value of serverName in the PHP_IDE_CONFIG variable e.g PHP_IDE_CONFIG="serverName=<CONFIGURED_SERVER_NAME>".

3, Set Host to http://localhost or if using a virtual host then use that instead e.g http://myapp.localhost.

4, Set the port to the port that is being used on the host machine e.g 80.

5, Set the debugger to Xdebug.

6, Check the Use path mappings checkbox.

7, Under the project files section find the root of the project and on the right hand side fill out its location inside the container e.g /var/www.

8, Click apply and close preferences.

9, Start listening for incoming connections by going to Run > Start listening for PHP debug connections

10, Xdebug can now be tested by adding a breakpoint or selecting Run > Break at first line in PHP scripts and refreshing the browser.

Visual studio code configuration

For Xdebug to work in Visual Studio Code a launch.json will need to be added to .vscode folder in the route of the project. Please see below for an example of a launch.json file

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "Listen for XDebug",
            "type": "php",
            "request": "launch",
            "port": 9000,
            "pathMappings": {
                "/var/www": "${workspaceFolder}"

Once this has been added then you can navigate to the debug section. On the left hand side under the BREAKPOINTS section uncheck the Everything checkbox. Now from the dropdown menu at the top select listen for Xdebug then press the play button.

Xdebug can now be tested by adding a breakpoint and refreshing the browser.