
Reproduction of colspan/rowspan issues in Radzen's Blazor DataGrid

Primary LanguageHTML

RadzenDataGrid Span Test

This repository is meant to show some issues in Radzen's Blazor DataGrid in regards to using colspan and rowspan.

Included in the repository are the following examples:

  • Using only colspan (despite being staggered, this renders correctly)
  • Using only rowspan (despite being staggered, almost renders correctly but is missing a grid line due to CSS rules)
  • Using both colspan and rowspan, in 4 different ways:
    • All cells that use colspan and rowspan are using both, and this shows that Radzen's DataGrid skips a cell as well as introduces extra cells
    • A complex example that causes an exception, found via trying to convert a similar layout from an Excel file into a DataGrid, appears to be due to multiple colspan and rowspan cells under a much larger colspan and rowspan cell
    • A more simple example of the above that contains as small a possibility of showing the exception
    • A small example that is similar to the first in this group but only has a few cells with colspan or rowspan on them

This repository is to be used in a bug report to Radzen regarding the above issues, being tracked at Issue #1064 in Radzen Blazor's GitHub repo.