
Fourth project in Sigma Software university

Landing adaptive up to 960px view port width

Project lounch:

  • Download the archive from the Github repository, unzip, run the index.html file

A description of the features of the lending site:

  • Overlay:

    • images from the free to use license were used in the overlay;
    • the images were processed in Figma to match the site design;
    • during the animation, the page is loaded but not rendered.
  • What we do section:

    • used free API url:"";
    • make a GET request for a specific product "";
    • get JSON data with product description and photos;
    • cache the data in session storage to speed up access to the data;
    • create a product card;
    • display one product with different photos in a category;
    • filtering is implemented by product;
    • general category contains 1 product from each category.
  • 3000+ Completed work section:

    • when hovering, the cards move behind the user's mouse within the block. When the mouse leaves the block area, the cards return to their original position.
  • Testimonials section:

    • implemented without the help of libraries:) Cards are animated, cyclically move after pressing the control buttons.
  • Latest news section:

    • when the block becomes visible to the user, a photo is animated, the effect achieved by listening to the scroll event.
  • Don’t forget section:

    • the user data in the form, after successful filling, is saved to local storage;
    • after success writing to session storage, the name field is checked for the presence of the keyword Sigma or sigma. If the keyword is present, an animation with the discount is activated.
    • in case of activation of the discount, the script send request to free API url:"" with request like "fetch(", in the response I get the url of the cat's photo. The photo of the cat depend on the user's screen size.