
Fifth project in Sigma Software university

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Project Description:

Video description: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12pp_b5ACKGjZsDvhyOW830cz4UFmdDcr/view?usp=drive_link

  • Technology stack: Typescript, Scss;
  • Database: My SQL;
  • Build tool and development server: Vite;
  • Responsive design from 1200px to 2560px;
  • Library and frameworks:
    • React;
    • express;
    • mysql2;
    • nodemon.
    • axios;
    • autoprefixer;
    • formik;
    • slick-carousel;
    • and more...

Data movement structure in client:

Client data flow

MySql database structure:

Database structure

Running the project on a local machine:

You can copy the code from my repository and use it for your projects

To use the code you will need:

  • download a zip archive or clone the git repository to a local machine;
    • of course unzip ;)
  • navigate to root project directory:
    • Organick-shop_Sigma-Software/client and run npm install;
    • Organick-shop_Sigma-Software/server and run npm install.
  • run 2 servers:
    • client: Organick-shop_Sigma-Software/client, and use command npm run dev;
    • server: Organick-shop_Sigma-Software/server, and use command npm run dev.
  • run MySQL data base server:
    • run MySQL Workbech > home icon > click on dolphin;
    • my sql connections (create conection if not exist);
    • left side panel > administration > server status. Need to be running;
    • file > open model > Organick-shop_Sigma-Software/db/Sigma_camp.mwb;
    • database tool > forward engineer > create DB from model;
    • write your server credentials to .env file in Organick-shop_Sigma-Software/server;
    • use data from `Organick-shop_Sigma-Software/db/dump;
    • if can`t use saved data, write manually data to products, category and product_category table;
    • if you write data manually, write any 4 products.idProduct IDs to client/src/pages/home/common.blocks/offer/Offer.tsx variable: showingProductId;