
lightweight crossbrowser js scrollbar

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Light scroll

Crossbrowser lightweight (only 3kb) JS scrollbar that you can easily restyle and configure. Light scroll supports all the events that native browser scroll does, such as scrollbar drag/click, arrow keys and mouse wheel scrolling.


First you should determine which HTML blocks are supposed to be scrollable and add lightscroll attribute to such blocks

    <div id="container" style="height:100vh" lightscroll>
        <!-- scrollable page -->
        <div lightscroll> <!-- scrollable block --> </div>
        <div lightscroll> <!-- scrollable block -->
            <div lightscroll>  <!-- scrollable child block --> </div>

Since lightscroll init function defined in global window object - you can init lightscroll wherever you want from any corner of your project. Example in your JS code.

var recalculateBlock = window.initLightScroll({
    /* options */

var dynamicHeightBlock = document.querySelectorAll('[lightscroll]')[0]
setTimeout(() => { recalculateBlock(dynamicHeightBlock) }, 1000)

In example above we init lightScroll, calling window.initLightScroll(). Since there is no any hooks in browser to track block height change - you should recalculate block that has dynamic height manually. For such purposes init function returns recalculateBlock function. Simply call this function during the phase when height of lightscroll block could be changed passing this lightscroll element.


speed - scroll speed when you use arrows and mouse wheel while scrolling.


You can rewrite scroll styles in your .css file or recompile .sass file using sass compilers. Light scroll has 3 states. In .sass file it separated into includes as to bring better user experience. In general mouse hovering over scroll elements determine all the states. Here are 3 sass includes that describes all the states: scroll-initial - when mouse is not hover a lightscroll block scroll-cont-hover - when mouse is hover lightscroll block scroll_hover - when mosue is hover a scroll bar
There is also 4th state you can't controll - scroll bar is hidding completely when scrollHeigh == clientHeight of scroll block, in such cases scroll-dissabled class is toggle.

Having cloned the repository you can open test.html in your browser and check how Light scroll works!

So far Light scroll supports only vertical scroll and only desktop(no touch) devices. It's not a > NPM package yet so just simple copy-paste source JS and CSS to your project

Any suggestions and bug reports are welcomed :) Have fun