
A Windows installable package for the de4dot .NET deobfuscator

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Installer for de4dot created by Robert McGinley (robert.mcginley@gmail.com)


An installable package for the de4dot .NET deobfuscator for Windows. Binary version of de4dot & dnlib compiled under Visual Studio 2013.

Please see the Issues section to weigh-in on future developments of this project! I need input from you!

I intend to keep the installer(s) up to date with de4dot releases and perhaps even provide builds from the master branch from time-to-time. Currently the installer is created with Caphyon Advanced Installer; However I intend to migrate to a pure WIX installer at some point.

The installer supports Windows XP and greater as long as a minimum of .NET 2.0 is installed. Whether de4dot will work on older platforms or not has not been tested, nor will it be. YMMV.

Currently, de4dot-Installer is created with Advanced Installer v10.6 Visual Studio plugin. A pure MSI/WIX installer is planned for the future.


By default the installer provides the following:

  • 32bit and 64bit de4dot binary components
  • Windows Start Menu shortcuts
    • Open the de4dot installation directory
    • Open a command prompt under the de4dot installation directory (using de4dot_shell.bat)
    • Links to the de4dot and de4dot-Installer GitHub pages
    • Links to de4dot README (Text, RTF and PDF versions)
    • Links to license files for software included in de4dot
    • Links to de4dot license files (Text & RTF versions)
  • Windows Explorer Context Menu items for .exe and .dll files
    • "Deobfuscate with de4dot"
  • Repair/Modify/Uninstall support

Explorer Context Menu Entries

To delete or modify the Explorer Context Menu Entries, open a registry editor (such as regedit.exe) and navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\dllfile\shell\de4dot and/or HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\exefile\shell\de4dot.

As long as you know what you're doing, modify or delete to your hearts content.


  • 8/31/2014 - Initial Installer build committed
  • 9/10/2014 - Added compiled binary 7Zip archive of de4dot v3.1.41592/dnlib v1.0.2
    • This is for those who want the binaries, but not the installer, shortcuts or explorer right-click integration stuff.
  • 9/10/2014 - Added installer for latest de4dot-master commit (Commit 42682d0fae, added July 25th 2014).
    • Titled de4dot v3.1.41592.3405 Unstable to differentiate from the actual v3.1.41592 release.
    • I wouldn't consider this "Unstable", as it's worked flawlessly for me. However YMMV
  • 9/11/2014 - Added compiled binary 7Zip archive of de4dot v3.1.41592.3405/dnlib (From de4dot-master & dnlib-master projects as-of 9/1/2014)
    • These are the same binaries & PDBs that are provided in the v3.1.41592.3405 Unstable installer for those who just want de4dot and not the installer & fluff
    • All caveats from using the aforementioned installer still apply. No modifications have been made to the de4dot or dnlib source.
    • Compiled under Visual Studio 2013


  • Separate the de4dot x86 & x64 components into individual packages
  • Build a GUI for de4dot in C# (Would be another project but likely included in this one)
  • Migrate the Advanced Installer build configurations to pure WIX installer configurations
  • Provide .NET CLR version specific builds (Is this even feasible or necessary?)
  • What would you like to see?