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The Automated Agent-Based Model for Penetration Testing is a tool that tackles one main problem, it cuts the complexity of the First Step in the Penetration Testing Process (Reconnaissance) and interpretation of the results, by utilizing Deep Neural Networks.

----Why use the Automated Reconator?----

The tool's Aim is to Scan the Network (Recon) and check for possible vulnerabilities / CVE’s, interpret the scan results using a Deep Learning model and generate a detailed Report which is visible, easy to read and understand.
This will help the cybersecurity experts to spend less on this first step (Reconnaissance), without missing any information, the report being easy to present, as by gathering the results and automatically generating a detailed PDF file.

----Python modules used----

The Following Python modules(as the guidelines or foundations for the components): Tkinter for the GUI, Nmap for the network scan, VulnSearch for the vulnerability search, ReportLab for the automated PDF Generation, tf.keras for the deep neural network model, Pyattck for the MITRE ATT&CK Framework and Networkx for the techniques/sub-techniques Graph Generator.


The script requires Python 3.8 installed, as a minimum requirement.
For the script to run fully, Python 3.7 needs to be installed too. This is for the optional deep learning module to run, as it utilizes tf.keras.

The optional vulnerability check module requires an api key added on line 11 of the "vulnclass.py" file. The API key can be requested from here, for free! -> https://vulners.com/ (General API Key)

To get the required python modules, run the following:

  • python3.8 python3.8_setup.py
  • python3.7 python3.7_setup.py

(2 scripts for the 2 different python modules. Pip needs to be installed on python before running the script!)

----Prerequisites / Extra Setup ----

The following modules need to be edited: cyberbotcall.py and vulncls.py.

The cyberbotcall.py has to have the path of the two scripts (i.e. cyberbot and learning.py). You can easily add that once you have the scripts locally. The Vulncls has to have your API key at the top of the script.

Here is an explanation on how to have 2 python versions running on the same machine(For the deep learning module): https://towardsdatascience.com/installing-multiple-alternative-versions-of-python-on-ubuntu-20-04-237be5177474

----How to use----

Step 1: Download/clone the scripts locally
Step 2: Check the Prerequisites
Step 3: Run the Pentestertool.py (double click or through any CLI)
Step 4: Select the appropriate values for the 2 optional components (Have they been configured? No -> Press False)
Step 5: Input the IP and Press Submit (Make sure the host is reachable from your machine)
Step 6: Wait for the scripts to run
Step 7: Press on the "Generate Report" button (This and the individual files will be generated at the location of the script)

Note - Make sure the script has the permission to run on your machine and that the host is reachable from your machine


You can watch my youtube video to see the script in action!