Each story has nine hints, each hint is made by p-C-a-r-e (plotMark - COMPONENT- additional - rarity - extral Role). The nine hints type is: time/weather/space/object/role/motion/element/location/sign.
✒️When tokenURI returns pictures in SVG format, you can use any screenshot program that supports text writing for secondary authoring. OPTION: You can write the token id and timestamp or date on the right side of the sheet. OPTION: You can write down the story you understand about the hints sheet, and whatever's good, even though it's empty, you don't have to care about any rules.
| Time | Weather | Space | # T |
| | | | T i |
| | | | o m |
| Object | Role | Motion | k e |
| | | | e s |
| | | | n t |
| Element| Location| Sign | I a |
| | | | d m |
| | | | p |
| Write your story here … …… …… …… …… …|
| …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …|
You can use hints to write stories with your imagination and share them with other people.
The text at the bottom can also be either text that does not describe a story, any foreground, game design, role-playing, character close-ups, or any other topic.