
The backend of Wizkid mobile App

This project demonstrates the Wizkid POC (Provides a hosted API that powers the UI with seeded data).


  • Database : PostgreSQL
  • Language : Javascript/ES6^
  • Unit Test : Mocha, Chai, Sinon
  • Framework / Environment : Node.js && Express
  • version control : Git/Github

Installation and Setup

  1. Ensure you have all the below listed stacks on your machine
  2. From you terminal run git https://github.com/CyberFuzzion/api_template_repo.git
  3. After cloning run cd api_template_repo to navigate to cloned directory
  4. run npm install to install all the devDevpendencies. See "devDependencies" section in package.json file for list of all packages that will be installed
  5. Add environment variables in .env file, see env-sample file for example.
  6. run npm run migrate to run database migrations
  7. run npm run seed to seed the database with prepared "transactions" seeds
  8. run npm test or npm t to run test


  • npm run start:dev : To run development mode
  • npm run build : To run build
  • npm start : To run production mode
  • npm test : To run test
  • See the scripts section of package.json file for all available configured scripts.

Models and Database

Postgres and Sequelise ORM Script.

  • npm run migrate : to run models migration to database
  • npm run undo-migrate : to undo models migration to database
  • npm run seed : to run seed
  • npm run undo-seed : to undo seed

See sequelise documentation below for more guides on creating and managing models https://sequelize.org/master/manual/migrations.html**

API Documentation


  • POST /api/v1/auth/sign_in: Sign in
  • Payload
  branch, login_ID
  • GET /api/v1/transactions/fetch: Get Transactions
  • Payload
  authorization: `Bearer ${token}`

Thank you