ls -l: Display current directory contents in a long format
ls -la: Display contents both with hidden files
ls -lna: Display contents both with hidden files with user and group IDs
ln -s - create a symbolic link
cp -un file - copy only file that does not exist
[[:upper:]] - uppercase
mkdir -p directory/directory1/directory2 - create a directory with trailing slash
flag -p - to show directories with a slash
flag -a - to display hidden files
flag -m - to display files with a comma
flag -v - to sort files
Creating a magic file
first, create the magic file
<offset><datatype><regex><filename> data
# replace <offset> - number# replace <datatype> - can be string, ling, double, etc.# replace <regex> - expression to match# replace <filename>!:mime filename
# create a mime(Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)
Second, compile the file
file -C -m <filename.mgc>
Shell Permisssions
su user - Change user
groups - display the groups the current user is part of