
Polymer component for game Tic-Tac-Toe

Primary LanguageCSS


See the component page for more information.

Getting Started

We've put together a guide for tic-tac-toe to help get you rolling.

Tic-Tac-Toe Polymer Reusable Element


  • Installing node with npm using nvm manager
  • Installing the following libraries globally:
    • npm install -g bower yo generator-polymer grunt-cli


  • Create folder named like tic-tac-toe-component
  • Clone this project inside this folder using git
  • Go to tic-tac-toe directory

Install packages for running tests and demo:

  • npm install

Install tic-tac-toe element dependencies:

  • bower install

For running demo:

  • grunt demo

For running tests:

  • grunt test