
This package provides an object oriented way to access your systemd service state.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


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This package provides an object oriented way to access your systemd service state.

Tested Versions

  • Ubuntu: systemd 229
  • Debian: systemd 215,232
  • CentOS: systemd 219


composer require cyberline/systemd-state

# get info about systemd itself:
$systemdState = new SystemdState;
$info = $systemdState->getSystemdInfo();

# get info about specific services:
$systemdState = new SystemdState;
$info = $systemdState->getReport();

# get info from pregenerated file
# /bin/systemctl show * --no-pager > systemd.txt
$systemdState = new SystemdState;
$info = $systemdState

# get info about all services:
$systemdState = new SystemdState;
$info = $systemdState->getReport();