- 0x4D31Virgo Cluster
- 0xquadSynlabs Consulting Inc.
- akamajorisUniverse
- crashish
- dave5623@dave5623
- edspinerSmarttech Digital
- elaygueta
- googijh
- hoangcuongflp
- Hsn723Tokyo, Japan
- joskrapsOhio
- K2# Despite my day job thoughts and opinions are my own, I hope that's the only thing I _HAVE_ to say ;)
- kernullist
- kienbcHo Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- killswitch-GUIObscurityLabs
- MagicAndre1981
- mallorybobalice
- MalwareMechanic
- mendel129city17
- michaeltestliu
- myst404
- N3mes1s
- Nangal
- nethunteros
- orekdm
- polarbillFlorida
- progmboy
- rohithkrajan
- Sav3
- sh4hin
- shenhuanageshei
- triplekill
- ViralmaniarPreemptive Cyber Security Pty Ltd
- wootski
- zaplinechina zhuhai hehe