Lantern style GPS-based immersive storytelling project
Virgil is an immersive storytelling project that is bridging the worlds of digital storytelling and pervasive games.
Overview: A player walks along a preset trail guided by a physical lantern that emits RGB colored lights and sound/story (via headphone jack) to the user. As they walk along they are guided by story and environment that creates an engulfing realistic experience.
Technical Overview: Arduino compatible board (adafruit Metro mini reads data from a gps unit (adafruit ultimate GPS and sends that over serial to a connected raspberry pi zero or pi3+( The raspberry pi uses processing or python to interpret the serial data, analyze preset coordinates and play corresponding sounds out of the headphone port (on a piZero use a PhatDac and send RGB data out to the arduino accordingly.
Initial Testing: Rail Trail path with 5 waypoints for triggering different sounds
Board Communication and Processing/Processes Information: Arduino compatible outputs via serial two datatypes: -"No Fix" --this happens if the GPS unit cannot get a fix on the location and you are "lost" -"lattitude, longitude" -- GPS coordinates in GOOGLE MAPS COMPATIBLE format with 4 decimal precision i.e. "-74.8762"
Arduino board reads serial input as a string and parses data
- "Hue, Saturation, Vibrance, FadeRate, PulseRate, RainbowRate"
- Rate Changes all in millisecond measurements
- 0 for Rate Changes causes instant change or is ommitted HUE: Color chosen along spectrum..................0-255 SATURATION: Amount of color.......................0-255 Vibrance: Brightness of LEDs (higher is brighter) 0-255 FadeRate: How Fast a fade happens between colors..0-infinite (recommend < 10) PulseRate: How fast a color pulses while constant.0-infinite (recommend < 10) RainbowRate: Rainbow color chase rate.............0-infinite (recommend < 10) -EXAMPLE "255,100,255,2000,1000,0" will take 2 seconds to fade into a pale red light at maximum brightness that pulses once per second
Raspberry Pi: Processing or Python sketch (haven't had complete success with either, exploring additional options until one is possible) -recieves GPS data from arduino as string -converts GPS corrdinates to floats -compares current float coordinates with existing array of predetermined coordinates -sends corresponding RGB data back to arduino depending on location -plays audio associated with location/event out of headphone jack (or phatDAC in case of raspi0)