This Binance trading bot detects new coins as soon as they are listed on the Binance exchange and automatically places sell and buy orders. It comes with trailing stop loss and other features. If you like this project please consider donating via Brave.
- 1
Important params unused
#77 opened by oularrea - 6
#36 opened by bdisher - 0
doesn't buy
#96 opened by Deviner75 - 3
Unable to locate element: {"method":"css selector","selector":"[id="link-0-0-p1"]"}
#101 opened by DenRui - 0
Hi. I received the following message: IException: APIError(code=-1003): Too much request weight used; current limit is 1200 request weight per 1 MINUTE. Please use the websocket for live updates to avoid polling the API. How can I use the websocket to prevent too much polling?
#100 opened by DenRui - 0
- 0
this function is deprecated now
#98 opened by trumpest2 - 1
error message
#97 opened by trumpest2 - 1
- 1
Selenium error with the CSS ID
#93 opened by sundayz-hunter - 1
Sell after a certain period of time
#92 opened by TechnoDudeX - 0
Python version
#88 opened by jvlavl - 4
Error: File "", line 157
#87 opened by CryptoAngel - 2
Syntax error in
#83 opened by miladavaz - 6
facing issues not working please check it there might be some issues with the import module
#65 opened by CadburySwaps - 1
Not enough balance to complete sell order
#86 opened by jochenboele - 1
Module not found error
#75 opened by malikfarooq111 - 1
- 4
list index out of range
#73 opened by DawoodKMasood - 13
Killed my account
#71 opened by BastG57 - 2
#72 opened by denis-blip - 2
OSError: [Errno 8] Exec format error: '.... chromedriver_py/chromedriver_linux64'
#67 opened by shaft8472 - 0
- 0
telegram group
#48 opened by CelliHere - 5
just bought GALA/USDT
#42 opened by Hammer632 - 0
Script not running
#74 opened by malikfarooq111 - 5
recent XEC/USDT trade feedback
#34 opened by sumomario - 0
Not a valid margin pair (FIDA Listing)
#64 opened by makoy21 - 1
Improvement: retrieve binance existing assets
#63 opened by 3ntr0phy - 8
running getting this issus on rpi4
#25 opened by Scout-lander - 3
Error on buy order
#51 opened by turvak - 3
QUESTION : SELL and BUY swapped?
#62 opened by 3ntr0phy - 2
- 2
Not sure if the bot is working properly.
#54 opened by Mangeor - 0
Feedback on ILV/BNB listing
#53 opened by pat-s - 0
Connection reset by peer
#52 opened by jarrodjay - 0
#50 opened by white32juan - 0
Update code?
#49 opened by Rudyvantuyn - 13
GALAUSDT listing 13/09 feedback
#40 opened by bragg2012 - 4
getaddrinfo failed
#31 opened by AnthoK91 - 1
#45 opened by white32juan - 0
Queue length too big....and volume with nothing showing of....was ok before...
#43 opened by Bladeus12 - 0
APIError(code=-1121): Invalid symbol.
#39 opened by TLegenden - 5
Test Net run issue
#37 opened by sinash14 - 2
Ip banned too much request
#29 opened by mrtom31 - 2
Trailing stop loss on spot trade?
#30 opened by turvak - 2
- 0
Take correct volume
#35 opened by vikramk9852 - 2
several error logs of the last few days
#32 opened by d4fuQQ - 1
Backtrader support
#33 opened by antonevane