
Query IP and domains against VirusTotal and public blocklists

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Query IP address against public blocklists, VirusTotal and PassiveTotal Passive DNS

  • Install ShodanAPI in order to use Shodan functions


Query domain against public blocklists, VirusTotal and URLVoid


Create a file called apikey.txt that contains your VirusTotal, URLVoid and Shodan API Keys.
The file format should be as follows:
virustotal: <-- ENTER APIKEY HERE -->
urlvoid: <-- ENTER APIKEY HERE -->
shodan: <-- ENTER APIKEY HERE -->
passivetotal: <-- ENTER API KEY HERE -->


  • Get ShodanAPI working in iposint.py
  • Add ShadowServer functionality into OSINT tools
  • Add AlienVault OTX API into iposint
  • Get valid_ip function to work


  • Added PassiveTotal Passive DNS Resolution
  • Removed ShodanAPI, will re-add after more testing
  • Reconfigured VT and PT to only display results within last 90 days
  • Reconfigured output for VT and PT to as a table in iposint
  • Reconfigured output for VT to display as a table in urlosint