
C# sample code for the CyberSource REST API

Primary LanguageC#

C# Sample Code for the CyberSource SDK

Build Status

This repository contains two applications that demonstrate integration with the CyberSource REST APIs through our SDKs.

.NET Framework

The application cybersource-rest-samples-csharp.sln contains working code samples in a .NET 4.6.1 application which uses the CyberSource .NET SDK.

For a more detailed explanation of how to use this application, please refer to README_Net461.md.

.NET Core

The application cybersource-rest-samples-netcore.sln contains working code samples in a .NET Core 3.1 application the CyberSource .NET Standard SDK.

For a more detailed explanation of how to use this application, please refer to README_NetCore.md.

Run Environments

The run environments that were supported in CyberSource .NET SDK and CyberSource .NET Standard SDK have been deprecated. Moving forward, the SDKs will only support the direct hostname as the run environment.

For the old run environments previously used, they should be replaced by the following hostnames:

Old Run Environment New Hostname Value
cybersource.environment.sandbox apitest.cybersource.com
cybersource.environment.production api.cybersource.com
cybersource.environment.mutualauth.sandbox api-matest.cybersource.com
cybersource.environment.mutualauth.production api-ma.cybersource.com
cybersource.in.environment.sandbox apitest.cybersource.com
cybesource.in.environment.production api.in.cybersource.com

For example, replace the following code in the Configuration file:

// For TESTING use
_configurationDictionary.Add("runEnvironment", "cybersource.environment.sandbox");

// _configurationDictionary.Add("runEnvironment", "cybersource.environment.production");

with the following code:

// For TESTING use
_configurationDictionary.Add("runEnvironment", "apitest.cybersource.com");

// _configurationDictionary.Add("runEnvironment", "api.cybersource.com");