
Global-Local Mapping Kit

Primary LanguageC++

glmapping is out of maintenance
please check our new mapping kit MLMapping


This mapping kit is a 3D occupancy voxel map designed for the MAV/mobile robot navigation application. Currently, most of the navigation strategies are a combination of global planning and local planning algorithms. Global planning focuses on finding the least cost path from the current position to the destination. Furthermore, local planning is to replan the trajectory to avoid obstacles. This mapping kit processes the perception information separately. The globalmap, on the cartesian coordinate system, is a probability occupancy map. While the localmap, on cylindrical coordinates system, has an excellent dynamic performance. The mapping kit also supports the projected 2D occupancy grid map and ESDF(Euclidean Signed Distance Field) map output.



Clone this repository to catkin src folder say: ~/catkin_ws/src

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/HKPolyU-UAV/glmapping.git

Install 3rd Part library

cd catkin_ws/src/glmapping/3rdPartLib/


cd ~/catkin_ws/

Download the Dataset into the bag folder
decompress the rosbag

rosbag decompress glmapping_test.bag


roslaunch glmapping bag.launch


Shengyang Chen(Dept.ME,PolyU): shengyang.chen@connect.polyu.hk