
Github Repository for Writeups of vishwaCTF'21 Challenges

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Github Repository for Writeups of vishwaCTF'21 Challenges
This is the Repository made for uploading all solutions and writeups of challenges in vishwaCTF'21 for public reference.Everyone is invited to make their contributions here after reading the instructions below. (Note: Instructions are a bit different from the vishwaCTF-Mini'21 writeup's, so all CyberCell members also should read them once.)

Folder Structure for Single Challenge Writeups :-

  1. Each Challenge Category will have its own folder.
  2. Each Problem will have its own folder by the problem name inside the category folder.
  3. Writeups will be added to these folders by anyone in the form of Markdown(.md) files.
  4. Name of the writeup files should be number-author_name.md
    number = The number of the writeup of that particular problem(Eg. 1st writeup name may be 1-JohnDoe.md, and so on)
    author = Name of author who added the writeup

Folder Structure for Merged Writeups :-

  1. Writeups will be added to the 'Merged Writeups' Folder by anyone in the form of the following filetypes(.pdf, .doc, .docx, .txt, .md).
  2. Name of the writeup files should be -<Team Name/Username>.
    number = The number of the writeup of that particular problem(Eg. 1st writeup name may be 1-Team1.md, and so on)
    Team Name/Username = Name of Team/Player who added the writeup.

Setting up a Problem Folder (Only for CyberCell Members) :- (Refer Flag Format folder for Basic Setup)

  1. In the README.md of the problem, add Title, Category, Description, Hints, Files, Points, Solves(At Event's end i.e. Public Solves), & Flag(s) of the Problem.
  2. Upload the required Files(if any) in the same Problem Folder.
  3. You/Other Non-CyberCell Players can write any writeups to the problems later on and submit Pull Requests for the same.

Creating Writeups (Everyone) :-

  1. Follow the naming convention given in Folder Structure(whichever kind of folder, single/merged) and add your file.
  2. Include proper explanations wherever possible and needed.
  3. Push(if CyberCell Member, PRs preferred though) OR Submit a Pull Request(if non-CyberCell Player). Instructions for both given below.
  4. You may include links to any of your social media(if you want to), at the start/end of your writeups in normal text size so that people may follow you.

Instructions for adding writeups (CyberCell Members) :-

  1. If you dont know about forks and dont want to use them for some reason, clone this repo locally on your laptop.
  2. And simply push & pull changes.
  3. If you know how to use a fork, or are willing to use it for a better control, then you can refer the below instructions for people needing to fork the repo.
  4. !IMP Do not delete someone else's writeup even by mistake during merges.

Instructions for adding writeups (Non-CyberCell Players) :-

  1. Fork this repo on your account. Read more : https://docs.github.com/en/github/getting-started-with-github/fork-a-repo
  2. Make your changes.
  3. Put up a Pull Request. One of the owners will review it and comment improvements/accept it.
  4. !IMP Make sure your fork doesnt have a Merge conflict with the main repo. Learn how to sync your fork. Read more : https://docs.github.com/en/github/collaborating-with-issues-and-pull-requests/syncing-a-fork
  5. !IMP Again, do not delete someone else's writeup even by mistake during merges.

Note : The user who makes the Pull Request bears the responsibility to make the PR merge-conflicts free.

P.S. : An IDE like VSCode having Integrated Git may help a lot for easier merging.