History -- we joined the following competitions:
- Global Legal Hackathon 2018, Decoding Law -- make law accessible for all
- Access to Justice Hackathon 2018, LegGo -- 21st-century legal information system
Typically you'd want to install Tensorflow under Anaconda.
For example, download the Anachonda install script and run it:
bash Anaconda3-5.1.0-Linux-x86_64.sh
Then create a Tensorflow environment called "tf":
conda create -n tf pip python=3.6
Then activate the environment:
source activate tf
You will see the command prompt changed.
Then install Tensorflow with:
pip install tensorflow==1.5
(As of 2018 March, 1.6 seems to have a bug)
Then install NLTK toolkit with:
conda install -c anaconda nltk
Then install NLTK corpus with:
import nltk
and choose "corpus" to download.
Lastly, download the word vectors file from either:
fastText: https://fasttext.cc/docs/en/english-vectors.html
(file name = wiki-news-300d-1M.vec.zip)
or GloVe from Stanford: https://nlp.stanford.edu/projects/glove/
(file name = glove.840B.300d.zip)
Then unzip the file and put it in the directory \data
. (Or you can modify the path in my code, it's possible to run with the zipped version directly.)
Then you can run our code:
python main-RNN.py
Try out some queries after the ?
Currently the code does stage 1, "broad classifications".
In the future we will try to do stage 2.
The demo classifies queries into 3 categories:
- nuisance
- dangerous driving
- work injuries
This is an example run:
The new demo isn't very successful (more wrong than correct answers):
Now increased to 10 categories:
The above file is part of the decision tree used by a telephone inquiry system (TelLaw, provided by HK government). Each sub-topic is associated with a pre-recorded message of ~500 words' length. Since the message text is not long, and the sub-categories are all very similar (under FAMILY LAW), our AI does not perform very well, but there may be ways to improve it.
The AI / deep learning aspects are discussed further in these notes:
We are currently trying to implement those ideas.