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Hands-on Assignments for Wrapper Classes Wrapper Class, AutoBoxing, UnBoxing and Cloneable Interface, Wrapper Class
No. Hands-on Assignment Topics Covered Status
Write a java program which generates the minimum and maximum value for each of the Numeric Wrapper classes (Byte, Short, nteger, Long, Float, Double)
Sample Output: Integer range: min: -2147483648 max: 2147483647 Double range: min: 4.9E-324 max: 1.7976931348623157E308 Long range: min: -9223372036854775808 max: 9223372036854775807 Short range: min: -32768 max: 32767 Byte range: min: -128 max: 127 Float range: min: 1.4E-45 max: 3.4028235E38
Wrapper Class
Accept a integer number as Command line argument from the program and when the program is executed print the binary, octal and hexadecimal equivalent of the given number.
Sample Output:
java Test 20 Given Number :20 Binary equivalent :10100 Octal equivalent :24 Hexadecimal equivalent :14
Refer Java Documentation and look for the appropriate Wrapper class method
Wrapper Class
Define a java class that accepts an integer(between 1 and 255) from the user and displays the String representation of the argument passed as an unsigned integer in base 2. The output displayed should contain 8 digits and should be padded with leading 0s(zeros), in case the returned String contains less than 8 characters.
For example, if the user enters the value 16, then the output should be
and if the user enters the value 100, the output should be
You are expected to use Integer class conversion method/s described in the PDF file. Use Scanner class to accept user inputs.(Hint : You may use String.format() method for the expected output)
Wrapper Class
Create an employee object and initialize its properties. Create a clone of this object and store it in a different object. Now change the properties of the first employee object. Print both the objects and observe the change.