Wipro TalentNext PBL

Topics Covered: Servlet, JSP, JavaBeans, HTML, SQL

No. Hands-on Assignment Topics Covered Status


Create a bean that represents information needed to calculate an employee's salary. Has String (employee name) and int (employee ID) properties. Create an application to demonstrate automatically filling in bean properties from request parameters.



Create a servlet that forwards the request to one of three different JSP pages, depending on the value of the operation request parameter. Say if input is <10 then page 1 or greater than 10 and less than 99 then page 2 otherwise error page



a. Create an emp table in the database with fields name, id and designation. b. Create a HTML file with fields name, id and designation. Make sure that the textfields have the same name as name, id and designation. c. Create a javabean with fields name, id and designation. d. On click of the submit button of the HTML, invoke a jsp page which will extract the values that were given by the HTML page and it invokes a servlet. e. The Servlet will make a connection to the database and store the value in the table. f. Connection to the database should have been established using a separate java class. g. You can enhance the program by including more features like deletion, updation and selecting all records.