Website Password Changer, A keepass plugin that updates your password on websites.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Website Password Changer

A KeePass plugin that automates password changes on websites, because we're all lazy.

Passwords for important accounts should be changed once or twice a year; and definitely whenever you suspect they're compromised.

Changing passwords can be tiresome, though. You have to,

  1. Recall your current password
  2. Log in to the site
  3. Think of a new password
  4. Change your password
  5. Remember your new password

This gets harder when password requirements get complex, or long.

Website Password Changer (WPC) is a KeePass plugin that helps you do all of the above, with a few simple clicks.

Usage (Windows)

After building,

  1. Copy + Paste the following to your KeePass Plugins folder,
    1. WPC.dll
    2. WebDriver.dll
    3. WebDriver.Support.dll
    4. YamlDotNet.dll
  2. Copy + Paste the sites.yml to the folder KeePass.exe is in.
  3. Download https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/2.35/chromedriver_win32.zip
  4. Extract chromedriver.exe to KeePass/chromedriver/chromedriver.exe (Refer to directory structure below)
  5. Run

Support for additional sites may be added by modifying the sites.yml file.

Your directory should look like,

    + chromedriver/
        + chromedriver.exe (Executable)
    + Plugins/
        + WPC.dll
        + WebDriver.dll
        + WebDriver.Support.dll
        + YamlDotNet.dll
    + sites.yml
    + KeePass.exe

Usage (Others)

After building,

  1. Copy + Paste the following to the folder KeePass.exe is in,
    1. WPC.dll
    2. WebDriver.dll
    3. WebDriver.Support.dll
    4. YamlDotNet.dll
  2. Copy + Paste the sites.yml to the folder KeePass.exe is in.
  3. Download http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/2.35/chromedriver_linux64.zip
  4. Extract the chromedriver executable to KeePass/chromedriver/chromedriver (Refer to directory structure below)
  5. Run with mono (mono ./KeePass.exe)

Support for additional sites may be added by modifying the sites.yml file.

Your directory should look like,

    + chromedriver/
        + chromedriver (Executable)
    + WPC.dll
    + WebDriver.dll
    + WebDriver.Support.dll
    + YamlDotNet.dll
    + sites.yml
    + KeePass.exe

How it Works

  • WPC uses KeePass to manage your passwords, and generate new ones.
  • WPC uses Selenium, to automate logging in, and changing passwords.
  • Macros are made for each website.
  • Each site's macro takes about 2-5 minutes to write.
  • A .yml file allows you to add your own password changing macros, for any website.


WPC can keep your accounts safe, by making it painless to change your passwords when you need to.

Examples of important accounts,

  • Banking
  • Social Media
  • Business
  • Online Journals


  • Barely any documentation for KeePass plugin development
  • Some websites are harder to write macros for

What is KeePass?

Many people use the built-in password managers of Chrome, and Firefox, to manage their list of sites, and passwords.

However, these password managers are simple; nothing more than data stores.

KeePass is a feature-rich, and highly customizable password manager; for those that want more control over their security.


  • Browser extensions to replace Selenium
  • Improve UI
  • Increase robustness
  • Automatically change password on expiration
  • Custom password generation options