
Denoising Model


I/O (DICOM file -> .npy)

  • Input data Directory
    • DICOM file extension = ['.IMA', '.dcm']

$ os.path.join(dcm_path, patent_no, [LDCT_path|NDCT_path], '*.' + extension)

The dcm_path directory should look like:

├── L067
│   ├── quarter_3mm
│   │       ├── L067_QD_3_1.CT.0004.0001 ~ .IMA
│   │       ├── L067_QD_3_1.CT.0004.0002 ~ .IMA
│   │       └── ...
│   └── full_3mm
│           ├── L067_FD_3_1.CT.0004.0001 ~ .IMA
│           ├── L067_FD_3_1.CT.0004.0002 ~ .IMA
│           └── ...
├── L096
│   ├── quarter_3mm
│   │       └── ...
│   └── full_3mm
│           └── ...      
└── L506
    ├── quarter_3mm
    │       └── ...
    └── full_3mm
            └── ...     

[Common] Main file(main.py) Parameters

  • Directory
  • dcm_path : dicom file directory
  • LDCT_path : LDCT image folder name
  • NDCT_path : NDCT image folder name
  • test_patient_no : test patient id list(p_id1,p_id2...) (train patient id : (patient id list - test patient id list)
  • result : save result dir(check point, test, log, summary params)
  • checkpoint_dir : save directory - trained model
  • log_dir : save directory - tensoroard model
  • test_npy_save_dir : save directory - test numpy file
  • pretrained_vgg : pretrained vggnet directory(only WGAN_VGG)
  • Image info
  • patch_size : patch size (WGAN_VGG, RED_CNN)
  • whole_size : whole size
  • img_channel : image channel
  • img_vmax : max value
  • img_vmin : min value
  • Train/Test
  • phase : train | test
  • others
  • is_mayo : summary ROI sample1,2
  • save_freq : save a model every save_freq (iterations)
  • print_freq : print_freq (iterations)
  • continue_train : load the latest model: true, false
  • gpu_no : visible devices(gpu no)