
A minimal template for building a package with the Max SDK.

Primary LanguageMax


Basic template for Max externals made with the Max C SDK (max-base-sdk), including GitHub Actions for automated CI builds.

Make sure to run the following to update Git submodules

git submodule update --init --recursive

Creating objects

Objects should each be made inside a directory inside of /source/projects/ like the example. See the max-sdk repository for examples of how to write Max objects with the C SDK.

Making DSP objects MC compatible

In /init/object-mappings.txt, add a line like:

max objectfile mc.<your object>~ mc.wrapper~ <your object>~;

Writing documentation

Make sure for each object you write to make a docs/<your object>.maxref (see the example for guidance) and a help/<your object>.maxhelp (see the example as well).

Building with CMake

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G Xcode ..  # or cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" or cmake -G Ninja ..
cmake --build .