Web Artisan - a package for Laravel 4


Forked with love from Joe C. Wallace. This bundle exposes Laravel's Artisan CLI to the web. As such, it probably should not be used in a production environment. Added some additional interactive features on top of what Joe has put together.


Add the following to your app's composer.json:

    "repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": "https://github.com/cydeswype/web-artisan"
    "require": {
        "joecwallace/artisan": "dev-master"

Run php composer.phar update

Add 'Joecwallace\Artisan\ArtisanWebServiceProvider', to the 'providers' array in app/config/app.php

Optional configuration

Run php artisan config:publish joecwallace/artisan

Edit the 'handles' option. This sets the URI that Web Artisan should respond to, so 'handles' => 'admin' would set the package to respond to http://my.awesome.app/admin, http://my.awesome.app/admin/help+migrate, etc.


  1. Take an artisan task: php artisan config:publish joecwallace/artisan
  2. Replace php artisan with a URL similar to this: http://my.awesome.app/artisan/
  3. Replace remaining spaces with + to yield: http://my.awesome.app/artisan/config:publish+joecwallace/artisan


I hope someone else finds this useful at some point.


MIT license - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php