wildlink-android SDK

Wildlink API Apr 17, 2019

Minimum requirements

  • Android SDK version 19 (KitKat)

Setup for Android Studio 3.4 (latest stable)

In your project's build.gradle file in allprojects add the Maven repository for JitPack

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "https://jitpack.io" } // add this line

If you are prompted to Sync, then select the Sync Now option and allow Gradle to complete the sync.

Next, in the app module, add the Wildlink SDK to your dependencies:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.wildlink:wildlinksdk:'

Again, if you're prompted to sync, select Sync Now.

Usage in your client application

The Wildlink SDK takes credentials specific to your account, automatically generates authentication tokens and collects device make, model and OS version information for analysis. You may then start the clipboard monitor service which will automatically collect eligible URLs for later analysis (without changing the user's clipboard value).

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        // initialize the SDK with your credentials (for app ID and secret please contact Wildfire: support@wildlink.me)
        WildlinkSdk.getIntance().init(this, "YOUR_APP_ID", "YOUR_APP_SECRET");

        // begin monitoring the clipboard for eligible partner URLs
        WildlinkSdk.getIntance().startClipboardMonitoringService(new SimpleListener() {
            public void onSuccess() {
                Log.d("Wildlink", "successfully started Wildlink clipboard monitor");

            public void onFailure(final ApiError apiError) {
                Log.d("Wildlink", "on failure = " + apiError.getMessage());


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