
A project matching system. Matches employees with company projects.

Primary LanguagePython


This is a system to help applicants and managers both apply to projects and approve applications respectively. PMs also get to create projects and positions. We have a list of functionality including ajax features and email notifications outlined in the achivements section of this readme.

Project application system homepage


The Project Matching System can demoed at

  1. To demo you will want to register as a new applicant user and apply for some positions.
  2. Log out.
  3. Log in as the project manager credentails, username: SarahJ, password: password
  4. Approve some of the applications you created and explore the interface.
  5. You may want to login as the applicant to see the changes.

Note that an email will be sent to the applicant users email so provide a working email address if possible. when "the manager" approves the application the e-mail is sent

Local Installation

To install this project perform a git clone:

$ git clone https://github.com/Cydus/MatchingSystem.git

inside matching_system_project run our script for resetting the db, (this performs database erase and loads our population script)

$ sh resetdb.sh

A pip requirements.txt has been provided to ensure any depndancies can be met.


  • Users can browse through positions within projects even if they are not registered yet, but they can't apply unless they are logged in
  • Register and Login functionality
  • PM can accept applications
  • PM can create projects and positions within projects
  • Once an applicant sends an application the status is pending until the manager will accept the application
  • If the application status has changed, the applicant can see on his account the updated status
  • Search functionality
  • When a PM creates a new project they must add positions as well to make the project visible for applicants
  • Responsive design for mobile devices
  • AJAX functionality, applying does not cause page to refresh or user to lose their position
  • Date picker with the appropriate constraints (start date must come before the end date)
  • E-mail notification when application is approved