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Make Sense Of The Copyright Office Comments

An application to summarize and create useful metadata from the comments made on Regulations.gov. This will be useful to the Copyright Office and other people trying to understand the Comments as a demonstration of the utility of computational analysis of the text.

Getting started

Clone project

Open the terminal and run the command to download the project

 $ git clone [https://github.com/atlp-rwanda/rca-phantom-team1-fe.git](https://github.com/Cyebukayire/mscc.git)

Go to the project folder

Use the 'cd' command to navigate to where the project folder is

 $ cd mscc

Open working environment

Check if 'pip' is already installed on your device with this command: pip version

If the output does not run successfully to show the version of pip, then install pip with the command below.

Choose the command to run based on your computer's Operating System.

. Install pip on Linux: python get-pip.py

. Install pip on MAC OS: python get-pip.py

. Install pip on Linux OS: C:> py get-pip.py

Still in the 'mscc' folder, create a virtual environment where the project runs. All dependencies and packages required to run the project will automatically be installed in the virtual environment.

 $ pipenv shell

Run the project

In the same terminal, run the following command to start the project, replace the DEMO_KEY with your API Key from Regulations.gov.

If you don't have the key already, the command below can still work using a DEMO_KEY.

 $ API_KEY="DEMO_KEY" uvicorn main:app --reload

On successful execution, this link( will appear in your terminal. Open the link in your browser.

This is the current output in the browser:


Navigate to the documentation of the API (

Below is a screenshot of the current API documentation:
