
Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


This project is just a hobby project, please feel free to copy, change or use it.

The purpose of this project is very simple: Use XPATH to edit XML or create XML

XPATH is used for querying XML, but sometimes you may want use it to edit/create XML:


/ns:root/ns:element1 add <ns:element1/>
/ns:root/ns:element2[@attr=1] add <ns:element2 attr="1"/>
/ns:root/ns:element2/@attr 1 add <ns:element2 attr="1"/>
/ns:root/ns:element1/ns:element11 add <ns:element11/>
/ns:root/ns:element3 TEXT add <ns:element3>TEXT</ns:element3>
/ns:root/ns:element1[ns:element12]/ns:element13 add <ns:element13/>
//PersonList/Person[2]/Name NewNameset the second Person node's Name Text
//PersonList/Person[2]/Name/text() NewNameset the second Person node's Name Text
//PersonList/Person[1]/Name(:delete) delete this Name node
//PersonList/Person(:add)/Name NewNamealways add a new Person node
//PersonList/Person(:insertBefore(Person[Name='Name2']))/NameNewNameadd a new Person node before Person named "Name2"

Special XModifier mark all special marks are start with (: and end with ) they are not part of standard XPATH, use them only when you have to.

(:add) always add new element (by default only add new element when not exist)
(:delete) delete an element
(:insertBefore(XPATH))always add new element, and control the position of it, (by default only append to last element)

Code example:

Create new xml:

		Document document = createDocument(); //empty document
		XModifier modifier = new XModifier(document);
		modifier.setNamespace("ns", "http://localhost");
		// create an empty element
		// create an element with attribute
		// append an new element to existing element1
		// create an element with text
		modifier.addModify("/ns:root/ns:element3", "TEXT");

result xml:

		<root xmlns="http://localhost">
			<element2 attr="1"/>

Modify exist xml:

original xml:

		<root xmlns="http://localhost">
		Document document = readDocument("modify.xml");
		XModifier modifier = new XModifier(document);
		modifier.setNamespace("ns", "http://localhost");

result xml:

		<root xmlns="http://localhost">

a new element ns:element13 is being added