
This repository will have different projects using AutoGen and Tutorials

Primary LanguagePython

Repository - ai

This repo will be helpful in understanding AutoGen providing examples including prompts and agents for SAAS products, how AutoGen works, and diving into the functionality.


  1. autogen_memgpt - understanding integration of MemGPT into AutoGen as an AI Agent
  2. autogen_memgpt_lmstudio - using a local llm to integrate MemGPT into AutoGen with a local server produced by LMStudio
  3. autogentest - examples of basic usage of AutoGen
  4. autogen_functions - learn how to use functions with AutoGen
  5. autogen_multiple_configs - learn how to use multiple configurations in order to use multiple models with AutoGen

Upcoming Ideas/Projects for Videos

  • GPT-4 Vision with AutoGen
  • Video on all available Agent Types AutoGen
  • SAAS Idea: Encrypt, save to DB with API Call, and then decrypt with another API call on retrieval
  • AutoGen with CodeInterpreter
  • AutoGen with TeachableAgent (uses Vector DB to remember conversations)
  • Auto Generated Agent Chat: Hierarchy flow using select_speaker