

  • Banks are constantly analysing data to understand their ideal customers
  • Customer personalty tests help banks to have a clear visual of who their customers are as well as their behaviors
  • This project will analyse a bank dataset to showcase their customers and whether they are likely to deposit with them.
  • The dataset has been provided by Kaggle, you can get it Here


  • Married people account for the highest number of cutomers while divorced people are the least.
  • The bank's highest customers have attained secondary education while the least have no education
  • Majority of the customers have neither housing loans nor personal loans
  • Non-bank defaulters make up the largest proportion of the bank's customers
  • The people in management are more likely to accept to deposit with the bank as compared to housemaids. Also, people in blue-collar jobs had the highest number of people refusing to deposit with the bank.
  • People with secondary education make up the largest group of loan non-defaulters.
  • Customers with tertiary education are more likely to deposit with the company as compared to those with secondary and primary education.
  • Majority of the bank's customers are between 30-40 years old while the oldest range between 60-95 years old.


  • Pandas
  • Numpy
  • Matplotlib
  • Seaborn