Unofficial fork of nayuki/QR-Code-generator

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION



Code used for https://cyphr.me/qrgen.

An unofficial fork with minor tweaks to our favorite Javascript QR code generator.

Github issue: nayuki/QR-Code-generator#155


The demo (index.html) is with an older version, but it works and since the new version works differently we're keeping the old version.

1.8.0 Demo

All links are in this repo

The root files do not use 1.8.0, but to build it, this is how it is done:

	cd 1.8.0
tsc --strict --lib DOM,DOM.Iterable,ES6 --target ES6 *.ts 
esbuild qrcodegen.js --minify --outfile=qrcodegen.min.js && cat module_append.txt >> qrcodegen.min.js

UMD Module

See https://github.com/Cyphrme/UMD_tutorial. In short, esbuild has a bug with UMD so modules have to be manually done. See build.sh.


Truncate UMD from file to add it back in after minifaciton.

file=urlform.js match="//////////////////////////////Regex_match_for_truncation_for_umd" line_num=$(grep -n "$match" $file | cut -d : -f 1) echo "Line number for truncation: $line_num" head -n $(($line_num - 1)) $file > urlform_nomod.min.js # min.js avoids watch loop.

esbuild urlform_nomod.min.js --bundle --format=esm --platform=browser --minify --sourcemap --outfile=urlform.min.js #cat module_append.js >> urlform.min.js

Other Resources

Great article about how QR codes work: https://typefully.com/DanHollick/qr-codes-T7tLlNi

Why nayuki and not others?

Google's top result for "qrcode javascipt", https://github.com/davidshimjs/qrcodejs, is junk. It has alphanumeric encoding issues and the library hasn't been updated in 5 years despite a stream of issues.

Attribution, Trademark notice, and License

qrgen Copyright (c) Project Nayuki. (MIT License) https://www.nayuki.io/page/qr-code-generator-library

"Cyphr.me" is a trademark of Cypherpunk, LLC. The Cyphr.me logo is all rights reserved Cypherpunk, LLC and may not be used without permission.