Rick And Morty TP is a Flutter application made in order to demonstrate basic View-ViewModel-Repository architecture by utilizing Provider and BLoC libs.
API used in the project - Rick and Morty API.
Clone the project and you're ready to go :)
- Authorization by Google Auth Provider
- Push notifications
- Contains three flavors (dev, staging, prod), which were automatically generated by flutter_flavorizr
- Pagination
- List sorting
- Search
- Communication through REST with Hive DB caching.
- Mocks
- Unit tests
To test cubit initialization:
flutter --no-color test --machine --start-paused test/bloc_tests.dart
To test repository functions:
flutter --no-color test --machine --start-paused test/repository_tests.dart
Visual elements that were reused and slightly modified from link.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.