
Makefile generator for Epitech student

Primary LanguagePython

Makefile Maker

This makefile generator was created by Cyril Grosjean.

How to use

./update_makefile [binary_name] [flags]

You can run the program without arguments. The default binary name will be 'a.out'

The program detect automatically your .c files (if they are src files or tests files)

Debug mode

Your .c files will be compilated with g3 flag.


Flags Details
-d Create a Makefile with the g3 flag.
-t Create a Makefile with the tests_run mode.
-gcovr Run gcovr command with the tests_run mode. Requires: -t flag.
-csfml Create a Makefile for graphical programs.
-ncurses Create a Makefile for ncurses programs.
-lib Your .c files will be compilated with your .a file.
-include Your makefile will add './include/' include repository.
-shell Search your files with the shell command find.
-clean Use this flag to have a clean make display.
-C Your make rule will compile with the -C flag.

Auto Update

The program can be updated automatically when you launch it ! This depends on your Internet connection. If you haven't Internet connection you can still use the program.


The Makefile generator don't include in src files your .c files in the repository bonus. The program don't read .c files in repositories before your open repository.


Move the file into an repository in your environement path or use an alias on it: alias update_makefile [link to your path]/update_makefile

Then you can use anywhere this script without move it.

Last Update

The version 1.6.0 is out !

This version appends two new flags !

-clean is a flag that set a clean make display.

-C I removed the -C flag on make rule because it will result to an error on macOS system. So now, if you want to have this flag, just add a -C on argument in update_makefile

I added also the .PHONY rule in the Makefile.

Next Update

For the next update, the code will be entirely reworked to be more... clean.