Archipel Node Stateless OS Next Generation

Primary LanguagePython

This is ANSOS-NG !

This bunch of scripts and ks files are used to create a livecd image (stateless) for archipel. It's based on oVirt node work without all the oVirt things...

Why you don't use ovirt node anymore

Because ovirt node isn't really handy to configure for Archipel and because their lack of OpenVswitch support. Now building an ISO image is simplier as we don't rely on oVirt Node building processes.


yum install install wget livecd-tools appliance-tools-minimizer fedora-packager python-devel rpm-build createrepo selinux-policy-doc checkpolicy selinux-policy-devel autoconf automake python-mock python-lockfile git

If you want to build ovs, you need to add

yum install gcc make openssl-devel kernel-devel graphviz kernel-debug-devel automake redhat-rpm-config libtool git

For centos7 you can find the livecd-tools here: http://people.centos.org/arrfab/CentOS7/LiveMedia/RPMS/

How to use

Install a build machine (you can use vagrant):

vagrant init "vStone/centos-7.x-puppet.3.x" && vagrant up

Add epel:

yum install http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/7/x86_64/e/epel-release-7-10.noarch.rpm

Install all required dependencies:

For centos7 you need to install livecd-tools from (not yet in EPEL repo):

yum install http://people.centos.org/arrfab/CentOS7/LiveMedia/RPMS/livecd-tools-20.1-3.el7.x86_64.rpm http://people.centos.org/arrfab/CentOS7/LiveMedia/RPMS/python-imgcreate-20.1-3.el7.x86_64.rpm http://people.centos.org/arrfab/CentOS7/LiveMedia/RPMS/hfsplus-tools-540.1.linux3-4.el7.x86_64.rpm

and appliance-tools-minimizer from epel6:

yum install http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/i386/appliance-tools-minimizer-007.7-2.1.el6.noarch.rpm

Install missing dependencies:

yum install install wget livecd-tools appliance-tools-minimizer fedora-packager python-devel rpm-build createrepo selinux-policy-doc checkpolicy selinux-policy-devel autoconf automake python-mock python-lockfile

Enable selinux:

Edit /etc/sysconfig/selinux, set it to enforcing and reboot.

And finally run:

# Download the build script
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CyrilPeponnet/ANSOS-NG/master/docker/buildANSOS.py

# Run the build script with the recommended params from the Archipel Wiki
python buildANSOS.py -Bc -e

You can customize a lot of things just check with python buildANSOS.py -h.

If you want to build ANSOS-NG with OpenVSwitch, run: (not working at the moment)

python buildANSOS.py -Bc -e https://repos.fedorapeople.org/repos/openstack/openstack-juno/epel-7/ -p openvswitch

This will build ANSOS-NG iso image based on Archipel git master and openVswitch from RDO repositories.

Docker build - beta

An attempt to use docker in order to build images can be found in docker folder. For now it doesn't work due to:

  • no selinux enforcing in docker containers
  • issue with /dev/mapper when resizing the iso image

Check the REAME.docker file for more information

Kernel boot parameters

  • You can set kernel options used by dracut (see dracut boot options) in order to define your ip/hostname | other
  • You can use the built-in node-config daemon to do it in an old way: use_node_config BOOTIF=[MAC|ifname] ip=[IP|dhcp] netmask=IP dns=IP gw=IP
  • If you want to disable ssh Password Authentication (only use keys) you can add no_ssh_pwauth too.

Post boot configuration

Please check https://github.com/ArchipelProject/Archipel/wiki/ANSOS:-Archipel-Node-Stateless-OS and adapt to ANSOS-NG


If livecd-creator complain about unresolved depencies for /bin/python, just change the order of /usr/bin in PATH env var to be before /bin. (centos7)