
error for a missing excel icon

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I get an error for a missing excel icon =)

INFO: [Reload] Reloading....

INFO: [pyrevit.loader.sessioninfo] pyRevit version: 4.4:08a3297 - with in Portland, OR

INFO: [pyrevit.loader.sessioninfo] Host is Autodesk Revit 2018 (build: 20170927_1515(x64) id: 6272)

INFO: [pyrevit.loader.sessioninfo] Running on: 2.7.7 (IronPython 2.7.7 ( on .NET 4.0.30319.42000 (64-bit))

INFO: [pyrevit.loader.sessioninfo] Home Directory is: C:/ProgramData/pyRevit/pyRevit-v4/pyRevit

INFO: [pyrevit.loader.sessioninfo] Session uuid is: c7d20ddc-0812-11e8-95cb-7da2546aeb90

INFO: [pyrevit.loader.sessioninfo] Base assembly is: pyRevit_2018_27e577b999513998_PyRevitBaseClasses

INFO: [pyrevit.loader.sessioninfo] Config file is: C:/Users/tvogt/AppData/Roaming/pyRevit/pyRevit_config.ini

INFO: [pyrevit.extensions.extensionmgr] UI Extension successfuly loaded from cache: pyApex

INFO: [pyrevit.extensions.extensionmgr] UI Extension successfuly loaded from cache: pyRevitCore

INFO: [pyrevit.extensions.extensionmgr] Skipping disabled ui extension: pyRevitDevTools

INFO: [pyrevit.extensions.extensionmgr] UI Extension successfuly loaded from cache: PyRevitMEP

INFO: [pyrevit.extensions.extensionmgr] UI Extension successfuly loaded from cache: PyRevitPlus

INFO: [pyrevit.extensions.extensionmgr] UI Extension successfuly loaded from cache: pyRevitTools

INFO: [pyrevit.extensions.extensionmgr] Skipping disabled ui extension: pyRevitTutor

INFO: [pyrevit.extensions.extensionmgr] UI Extension successfuly parsed: rvt_fixme

INFO: [pyrevit.extensions.extensionmgr] Updating cache for ui_extension: rvt_fixme

INFO: [pyrevit.loader.sessionmgr] Extension assembly created: pyApex

INFO: [pyrevit.loader.sessionmgr] UI created for extension: pyApex

INFO: [pyrevit.loader.sessionmgr] Extension assembly created: pyRevitCore

INFO: [pyrevit.loader.sessionmgr] UI created for extension: pyRevitCore

INFO: [pyrevit.loader.sessionmgr] Extension assembly created: PyRevitMEP

ERROR: [pyrevit.coreutils.ribbon] Error adding icon for Excel | Can not create icon from given file: None | Name: Excel RevitAPIObject: <Autodesk.Revit.UI.PushButton object at 0x000000000000073B [Autodesk.Revit.UI.PushButton]>

File "C:/ProgramData/pyRevit/pyRevit-v4/pyRevit/pyrevitlib/pyrevit/coreutils/", line 768, in create_push_button
existing_item.set_icon(icon_path, icon_size=ICON_LARGE)

INFO: [pyrevit.loader.sessionmgr] UI created for extension: PyRevitMEP

INFO: [pyrevit.loader.sessionmgr] Extension assembly created: PyRevitPlus

INFO: [pyrevit.loader.sessionmgr] UI created for extension: PyRevitPlus

INFO: [pyrevit.loader.sessionmgr] Extension assembly created: pyRevitTools

INFO: [pyrevit.loader.sessionmgr] UI created for extension: pyRevitTools

INFO: [pyrevit.loader.sessionmgr] Extension assembly created: rvt_fixme

INFO: [pyrevit.loader.sessionmgr] Running startup tasks...

INFO: [pyrevit.loader.sessionmgr] UI created for extension: rvt_fixme

INFO: [pyrevit.loader.sessionmgr] Load time: 4.5554 seconds

Hi Thomas,
Thanks for your message. I added an icon to this lab script called «excel» 8fec1d0
You should really upgrade to pyRevit 4.5 : pyRevitMEP is not keeping compatibility with pyRevit 4.4.
Can you please try to :

  1. Update pyRevit to version 4.5 (It is advised to uninstall 4.4)
  2. Update pyRevitMEP
  3. Try again and let met know if issue is solved

oh ok, my mistake, I have used the update button...