
How To Manual install pyRevitMEP

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How can i manual pyRevitMEP on pyRevit?

I have clone pyRevitMEP from Github and place the map in the extension map on C:/pyRevit/

But now i get the follow notification:

I think he's looking for the "lib" directory. This directory is in the clone from GitHub.
Must i place this on a specific directory?

Thanks for the effort

Can you please check if you have a lib folder inside your pyRevitMEP.extension folder please ?
The script reference following file in lib directory :

Edit : Ohh, I see you copied only the folder. Please :

  • Rename the folder where you cloned pyRevitMEP as pyRevitMEP.extension
  • Add the location of the parent of this folder to pyRevit settings (or copy the whole folder to standard extension folder of pyRevit) :
    I'll try to make a video soon to show how to manually install pyRevitMEP for restrictive environments.

Thanks Cyril, this helps a lot. It works now good 👍