🤓 CodeStack Data

How do I add myself?

  1. Fork this Repo

  2. Go to /data/users.json

  3. Don't add yourself right at the beginning of the file

  4. Add yourself randomly in the middle of the file

  5. The format should be:

      "username": "telmo",
      "stack": [
      "setup": [
        "Google Chrome",
  6. Field Description Type
    username Your Twitter Handler string
    stack List of Stacks array
    setup Browser, Machine, etc array

    For stack, check SimpleIcons for the correct name, it needs to match the name on SimpleIcons, it's case sensitive.

  7. Raise a Pull Request with the title Adding @<YOUR HANDLER>, we'll review it ASAP

  8. Application takes ~5 minutes to update, be patient 🙂

  9. View your entry at codestack.now.sh


  • Reach out to @telmo on Twitter with any suggestions you might have.