Ruby On Rails Authentications

Version License: MIT Twitter: kipropJS

Description of the project

The project involves creation of a clubhouse website(twitter like in functionality) in rails. The app implements authentication in rails. The used technique in this app is authentication using rails Devise gem.

**The project contain database models and schemas that model the user and the post object. visit The Odin Project 'Members Only' for the full project specifications.

⭐️ Built with

  • Ruby,
  • Ruby on Rails,
  • Rails authentication Devise gem here
  • SQL lite as the default database
  • vim - or favourite text editor

Dev Environment Requirements:

  • Ruby, check here for more information.

⭐️ Running the code


  1. Clone the members-only repo here

  2. Navigate into the root of the folder

    $ cd ./members-only
  3. Run bundle install to install the necessary gems:

    $ bundle install
  4. Install Yarn

    $ yarn install --check-files
  5. Migrate the DB

    $ rails db:migrate
  6. Run the sandboxed console to explore the database

    $ rails console --sandbox
  7. Run the server

    $ rails server
  8. First time users should register on the index page

  9. After registration, login to view, create, delete and update your posts.

  10. Non members can only view existing post but dont have create, delete and update priviledges.


👤 Cyrus Kiprop

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to leave a comment or open an issue. issues page.

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.