
Methods to download your facebook messaging data

Primary LanguagePython


Be the master of your own private Facebook data.


Get all of your friend's Facebook user ids from your messaging history.

Usage: python get_friends.py username password output_file

The output has the following format: id \t name \t username

This script uses a browser automation library and the Phantom JS browser.

  • brew install phantomjs
  • pip install splinter


Downloads your entire Facebook messaging history.

Usage: python collect_conversations.py username password your_facebook_id friend_file output_dir 

You can find your Facebook ID by digging in the HTML. This script will store each conversation in a .txt file named after your friend's username, in the provided output directory. This script also takes as input a tab-delimited file containing your friends' user ids, names, and usernames. You can manually compile this or generate it using the get_friends.py script.