
A simple flask app to experiment working with docker

Primary LanguagePython

A simple Flask app on Docker


This is a simple Flask app to experiment with Flask and Docker.

Flask part

The Flask app is a simple app that returns,

Hello from Cyrus!

Code is in this repo and you can clone it to your local machine.

Docker part

The Dockerfile is a simple Dockerfile that builds a Docker image based on the python:3.7-alpine image. It copies the app.py file to the /app directory and runs the app.py file.

Create the Docker image

To create the Docker image, run the following command:

docker build -t yourtag .

Replace yourtag with the tag you want to give to your image.

You can check if the image was created in the list of images:

docker images ls


Create a container from the Docker image

To run the Docker image, we create a container(instance of docker image) from the image and map the port 5000 of the container to the port 5000 of the host.

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 yourtag

Replace yourtag with the tag you gave to your image.

Test the Flask app

To test the Flask app, open a browser and go to http://localhost:5000

Web test

Push the Docker image to Docker Hub

To push the Docker image to Docker Hub, you need to create a repository on Docker Hub.


Then, you need to login to Docker Hub from the command line.

docker login

You will be prompted to enter your Docker Hub username and password.

Then, you need to tag the image with the name of your repository and push it to Docker Hub.

docker tag yourtag yourdockerhubusername/yourrepositoryname

docker push  yourdockerhubusername/yourrepositoryname

Replace yourtag with the tag you gave to your image, yourdockerhubusername with your Docker Hub username and yourrepositoryname with the name of your repository.

Pushing to docker

If you go to your Docker Hub repository, you will see the image there.


Pull the Docker image from Docker Hub

Now that the image is on Docker Hub, you can pull it from Docker Hub to your local machine. Also, your colleagues can pull it from Docker Hub to their local machines.

To pull the image from Docker Hub, run the following command:

docker pull yourimage

Clean up

To clean up, you can delete the container and the image from your local machine.

To delete the container, run the following command:

docker rm yourcontainerid

To delete the image, run the following command:

docker rmi yourimageid

Replace yourcontainerid with the id of your container and yourimageid with the id of your image.


In this tutorial, we created a simple Flask app and a Docker image for it. We pushed the Docker image to Docker Hub and pulled it from Docker Hub to our local machine. We also cleaned up by deleting the container and the image from our local machine.


I also wrote a simple tutorial on Docker and Djang, here

Documentation on Docker can be found here


If you have any questions or wamt to contribute to this repo, please contact me at cyruschegecc@gmail.com

Thank you and happy coding :)