
Loads environment variables from '.env'.

Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT

dotenv Clojars Project

A souped-upped version of what you've come to expect in a .env file loader, as per the 12-factor app methodology for configs. What's different? dotenv expects the env files to be in the amazing EDN format for Clojure apps. Long story short: You've got a Clojure map as your config.

Store your configuration in an env file, and keep it checked out of source control. All there is to it.


Include the following dependency in your project.clj file:

:dependencies [[com.knrz/dotenv "0.1.0"]]


It's simpler than you think!

(require '[dotenv.core :refer (env)])
;; env is now a map of every. single. environment. variable. simple.
;; Check out the Read This section for stuff you should read.

If you ever need to reload the env, a simple call to dotenv.core/get-env reloads everything. For example:

(require '[dotenv.core :as dotenv])

(def env (atom dotenv/env))

(defn get-env []

(defn reload-env! []
  (reset! env (dotenv/get-env)))

(P.S. Experienced Clojurians, let me know if I've done anything wrong in the above example.)

Read This

The env map contains any variables set from the following sources, with later sources overwriting earlier ones:

  1. (System/getenv). Values are strings.
  2. (System/getProperties). Values are strings.
  3. .env file in root project directory. Values are whatever they are in edn.
  4. .env.(current-env) file in the root project directory, say, .env.development. Values are whatever they are in edn.

For convenience's sake, all env var names are normalized. They are lowercased, underscores (_) and periods (.) in variable names are replaced by dashes (-), and keywordized. For example, if you were to echo $HOME in bash, you'd (println (:home env)) with dotenv. Whereas you would System.getProperty("user.dir") in Java, you would (:user-dir env) with dotenv.

current-envis a string resolved through theLEIN_ENVorBOOT_ENVenvironment variables. It defaults to"development"`.

The :current-env key houses the current environment. Also, :(current-env)? (e.g. :test?) is set to true for the current environment.

Why this? Why not environ?

This was born out of frustration with not understanding how environ, another environment management system, worked. That, and its interop with Leiningen had a certain bug I can't seem to remember.

Is it any good?



The standard MIT License, y'all.