
Getting old and new index in ChangeKind.Moved

slimshader opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, components like Vertical/HorizontalLayoutGroup arrange their elements based on relative order of children inside parent GameObjects. This means game objects has to be moved too when it moves in underlying ObservableList. I am not sure tho how to do it when ChangeKind.Moved happened as there are no index parameters.

[Edit] Very sorry for all the edits. lost connection and things got messed up.

Thank you for trying it.
I added in NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs<T> eventArgs as an argument in 1.1.0.
However, this is a very primitive value, and also potentially difficult to handle correctly when batching (Move doesn't have batche, so it's okay).

Fantastic, thank you, will try it out asap. And thank you for another fantastic library.