
Add assembly signing

lahma opened this issue · 5 comments

lahma commented

Would it be possible to add assembly signing to build process and published DLL (with public snk file). Now this library cannot be referenced from signed assemblies. I believe Microsoft recommendation is to sign assemblies with publicly available key for compatibility and not security.

Personally, I hate signing.
Does your application include the .NET Framework?
However, I can see the need for it, so I'll think about it.

lahma commented

Yes these are some templating projects that I'm investigating (signed) and the target both netstandard2.0 and net461. Thanks for considering the possibility.

I wanted to raise the same issue.

I hate signing

Me too, but the full framework is here for a long time for desktop stuff. I've noticed you have Ulid signed. Signing ZString and ZLogger as well will be highly appreciated.

Maybe just reusing the same key as Ulid. It always annoys me to generate a new key, google the syntax for VS console, etc. But the key doesn't matter, it could be any throwaway one.

I've relased 2.4.0, it has been signed.
I'll sign ZLogger soon.

Thanks for the requests.

lahma commented

Thank you for both adding signing and creating this great library!